29 November 2010

Johanna Tukiainen

loving life is easy when one is born to move spatially, i.e. to navigate. inside my head I can see many great things, like reconstructions of space to move in, zoom in. I can ascend high from the sky and see where I have been and find the exact square meters once owned. in dreams I am often mystified by the scenery presented by my graphics processor.

on another continent I once sneaked out from the american museum of natural history, and wandered to a side street, onto the steps of a two-story apartment building, just to smoke one cigarette and feel the space, the sunny winter february day. it was necessary for me to just sit there, and then, for one truly is only through a moment of total solitude. now, nine years after, I had no difficulty of finding the exact doorstep using google earth, with a search word central park nyc. my internal spatial map immediately saw where was that location that I can now call 40.781521, -73.976532.

My photo
in the case of confusion: dyslexiaisokhere ät gmail.com